MERN Stack Course in Hyderabad


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MERN Stack Course in Hyderabad

MERN Stack Course in Hyderabad

Batch Details

Trainer NameMr. Ravi
Trainer Experience12 Years

Monday to Friday

(Morning and evening)

Next Batch Date25-07-2024 AT 07:00 AM
Training ModesClassroom & Online
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Full Stack Course Curriculum

  • Concepts
  • Scaling
  • SQL and Complex Transactions
  • Documents Overview
  • Installing MongoDB (windows)
  • Installing MongoDB (linux)
  • JSON
  • Dynamic Schema
  • Mongoimport
  • Cursors Introduction
  • Query Language: Basic Concepts
  • Query Language: Projection
  • Query Language: Advantages of a Dynamic Schema
  • Shell: Queries
  • Sorting
  • Query Language: Cursors
  • Insertion
  • Update
  • save() Command
  • Partial Updates & Document Limits
  • Removing Documents
  • Multi Update
  • Upsert
  • Wire Protocol
  • Bulk() Operations and Methods
  • Common Commands
  • runCommand()
  • isMaster()
  • serverStatus()
  • currentOp() & db.killOp()
  • stats() & collection.drop()
  • Introduction
  • Storage Engine: WiredTiger
  • createIndex(), getIndexes() & dropIndex()
  • Collection Scans
  • Index Notes
  • Unique Indexes
  • Sparse Indexes
  • TTL Indexes
  • Geospatial Indexes
  • Text Indexes
  • Background Index Creation
  • Explain Plans
  • Covered Queries
  • Read & Write Recap
  • currentOp() & killOp()
  • The Profiler
  • mongostat and mongotop
  • Asynchronous Replication
  • Statement-based vs. Binary Replication
  • Replication Concepts
  • Automatic Failover
  • Recovery
  • Starting Replica Sets
  • Initiating a Replica
  • Replica Set Status
  • Replica Set Commands
  • Reading & Writing
  • Failover
  • Read Preference
  • Read Preference Options
  • Priority Options
  • Hidden Option & Slave Delay
  • Voting Options
  • Applied Reconfiguration
  • Write Concern Principles
  • Examining the ‘w’ Parameter
  • Write Concern Use Cases & Patterns
  • Reexamining the Page View Counter Pattern
  • wtimeout & Capacity Planning
  • Replica Sets in a Single Datacenter
  • Replica Sets in Multiple Datacenters
  • Replica Sets and Storage Engine Considerations
  • Sharding & Data Distribution
  • Replication with Sharding
  • Chunks & Operations
  • Sharding Processes
  • Cluster Topology
  • Running on localhost
  • The Config Database
  • Adding the Initial Shards
  • Enable Sharding for a Collection
  • Working with a Sharded Cluster
  • Cardinality & Monotonic Shard Keys
  • Shard Key Selection Example
  • Process and Machine Layout
  • Bulk Inserts and Pre-splitting
  • Overview of Security
  • Security continued: Authentication and Authorization
  • SSL and Keyfiles
  • Security and Clients
  • Intra-cluster Security
  • Overview of Backing Up
  • Mongodump
  • Filesystem Snapshotting
  • The model-view-controller pattern
  • Defining Jade templates
  • Configuring Express
  • Postman configuration
  • Using REST
  • JSON Data
  • Reading POST data
  • CRUD operations
  • Adding middleware
  • How Node.js connects to databases
  • RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
  • Connecting to RDBMS and Mongodb databases
  • Performing CRUD operations
  • Getting Started
  • Adding To Your App
  • Exploring The Front-end
  • Sending Live Data Back & Forth
  • Creating The Front-end UI
  • Showing Messages In App
  • Working With Time
  • Timestamps
  • Show Message Time In Chat App
  • Chat application Project
  • Working with gulp
  • Working with grunt
  • Working with unit and E2E testing
  • What is React
  • Environment Setup
  • Simple Server Setup
  • Intro to JSX
  • Your First Component
  • Working With Forms & Events – Basics
  • Working With Forms & Events – Implementation
  • Lifecycle Methods & Specs
  • Properties & Validation
  • Working With States
  • Server API Setup
  • Fetching Data via AJAX
  • Fetching Data via AJAX – Implementation
  • Posting Data via AJAX – Basics
  • Posting Data via AJAX – Implementation
  • What Are Addons
  • React and Animation – Concepts
  • React and Animation – Implementation
  • Two Way Data Binding
  • React on The Server
  • Gulp and Browserify Workflow – Concepts
  • Gulp and Browserify Workflow – Implementation
  • Immutable Programming and State
  • Setting up and Handling Actions
  • Combining Reducer Functions

MERN Stack Course in Hyderabad

Key Points

Full stack campus

Experienced Instructors

The institute is proud to have experienced instructors who deeply understand the MERN stack. They offer valuable Knowledge and guidance to students during their training.

Full stack campus

Hands-on Projects

The MERN Stack Course in Hyderabad focuses on hands-on learning with real-time projects. This lets students use what they learn in practical situations and create a strong portfolio.

Full stack campus

Industry-Relevant Skills

The training program focuses on teaching skills that are in demand in the industry, ensuring students are ready for successful careers in MERN stack development.

Full stack campus

Updated Course Content

The institute often updates its course content to include the latest advancements in the MERN stack, keeping students up-to-date with industry trends and technologies.

Full stack campus

Career Support

Besides teaching technical skills, the MERN Stack Course in Hyderabad also offers career support services like resume building, interview preparation, and job placement help to make it easier for students to start their careers.

Full stack campus

Flexible Learning Options

Fullstack Campus Institute understands that learners have different needs. They offer flexible learning options like part-time and full-time courses, so students can balance their training with other commitments.

Full stack campus

Continuous Evaluation and Feedback

The institute uses a system of ongoing evaluation to give students regular feedback on their progress. This helps learners find areas where they can improve and ensures they have a dynamic learning experiences.
Full stack campus

Access to Resources

Students can use a variety of resources such as a online materials, and essential tools for MERN stack development. This helps them learn and do research on their own.

Full stack campus

Full Stack Expertise


MERN stack developers are skilled in both front-end and back-end development. This means they can handle the entire web development process, including designing user interfaces and managing databases and server-side functions.

What is MERN Stack?


Objectives of the Course

Prerequisites of MERN stack course

Who should learn?

Who should learn?

MERN Stack Course

Course Outline

Begin by learning about MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, and how each contributes to full-stack development.

Learn how to set up your development environment for coding exercises by understanding how to install each part of the MERN stack.

Explore MongoDB fundamentals, including data modeling, queries, and indexing, to ensure efficient data storage and retrieval.

Explore the fundamentals of Express.js, focusing on middleware, routing, and server setup, which are crucial for creating strong backend applications.

The MERN stack is in high demand because it uses widely-used and comprehensive technologies, making it a popular option for creating modern web applications.

Learn about Node.js's asynchronous nature by mastering event-driven programming and server-side operations.

Apply your skills in a full-stack project by combining MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js to create a complete web application

Lastly, learn about deployment strategies and best practices for MERN stack applications to prepare for real-world development scenarios.

MERN Stack Course in Hyderabad

Modes of Training

Classroom Training

Self-Paced Videos

Corporate Training

MERN Stack Course in Hyderabad

Career Opportunities


Full-Stack Developer

MERN Stack developers often work as full-stack developers, skilled in both front-end (React.js) and back-end (Node.js and Express.js) development.


Frontend Developer (React.js)

Focused on creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces with React.js, MERN Stack developers play a key role in the client-side development of web applications.


Backend Developer (Node.js and Express.js)

Specializing in server-side development, MERN Stack professionals manage backend logic, server setup, and routing using Node.js and Express.js.


MongoDB Database Developer

MERN Stack developers may work as database developers, specializing in MongoDB to manage data storage, retrieval, and database optimization.


Web Application Developer

MERN Stack developers are responsible for building complete web applications, crafting scalable and adaptable solutions for various industries.


JavaScript Developer

Because JavaScript is central to the MERN stack, developers often work as JavaScript developers, handling both front-end and back-end scripting tasks.

MERN Stack Course

Skills Developed Post Training


Ability to develop responsive and dynamic web applications using MERN Stack technologies.


Knowledge of MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js, which are essential for Full Stack development using MERN Stack.


Understanding of the principles and fundamentals of MERN Stack development, including the use of APIs and web services.


Ability to work with both front-end and back-end languages, thereby developing a comprehensive Full Stack development skillset.


Knowledge of modern software development practices, including version control, debugging, testing, and deployment.


Understanding the best practices and standards required for building scalable, robust, and secure web applications using MERN Stack technologies.


MERN stack certificate

MERN Stack Course


Read More
MERN Stack course at Full Stack Campus was fantastic. The instructors were very knowledgeable and provided personalized guidance throughout the program. The hands-on training was crucial for learning Full Stack development, and the support I received afterward helped me land my first job in the industry.
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Before joining Full Stack Campus for the MERN Stack course, I was unsure about online training. But once I began the program, my perspective completely changed. The institute provided excellent online training, and the instructors were always there to help when I needed it. The projects we did were relevant to industry standards, which gave me practical experience in Full Stack development.
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Full Stack Campus' MERN Stack course is carefully planned to cover all aspects of Full Stack development thoroughly. The trainers not only taught valuable knowledge but also shared many tips and tricks that were very helpful during my job search. I strongly recommend Full Stack Campus to anyone looking to get into Full Stack development or wanting to improve their skills in this area.
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Full Stack Campus' MERN Stack course is outstanding. The instructors are highly experienced, and the curriculum is designed to meet current industry standards. The flexibility of their online training was especially helpful for me, allowing me to manage my other responsibilities effectively. I enthusiastically recommend Full Stack Campus' MERN Stack course to anyone looking to start or advance their career in Full Stack development.
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I had a great experience at Full Stack Campus during the MERN Stack course. The trainers were knowledgeable, patient, and supportive, which made learning easy for me. The institute's thorough training helped me establish a solid foundation in Full Stack development. Additionally, their help in finding a job was crucial in landing a position at a top company in the field. I'm very thankful for the support and guidance I received from Full Stack Campus.
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I had an amazing experience with Fullstack Campus Institute's MERN Stack training. The instructors, who were experienced professionals, provided helpful guidance on every part of the stack, making learning enjoyable and effective. Additionally, the institute's industry connections and networking events gave me access to valuable opportunities. I highly recommend Fullstack Campus to anyone looking to start a career in MERN Stack development.

Companies that Hire

MERN Stack Course in Hyderabad

Benefits of the Course

Comprehensive Skill Set

MERN Stack training provides a well-rounded skill set, encompassing MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, essential for full-stack web development.

Hands-on Experience

 Through practical projects, learners gain hands-on experience, translating theoretical knowledge into real-world applications, fostering a deeper understanding of the MERN stack.

Career Support Services

MERN Stack training institutes offer career support services like resume building, interview prep, and job placement assistance to help students enter the workforce in MERN Stack development.

Networking Opportunities

The institute organizes networking events and industry connections for students, providing valuable opportunities to meet professionals, expand their network, and explore careers in MERN Stack development.

Versatility in Full-Stack Roles

Proficiency in MERN Stack development enables individuals to pursue diverse roles in tech, such as full-stack developers, enhancing their employability in the industry.

Problem-Solving Proficiency

The training focuses on enhancing problem-solving skills, equipping students with the ability to troubleshoot and resolve challenges encountered in both frontend and backend aspects of the MERN Stack.

MERN Stack Course

Market Trend


The MERN Stack development market is projected to experience a compound annual growth rate of 17.5% from 2021 to 2026, according to forecasts.


The MERN Stack is gaining popularity in web development for its ability to create scalable, high-performance, and real-time web applications.


The rising need for web applications and cloud-based solutions is boosting the growth of MERN Stack Development.


The demand for MERN Stack developers is on the rise as more companies adopt this technology for web application development.


MERN Stack developers have bright career opportunities in various industries such as e-commerce, finance, healthcare, and entertainment.


In the coming years, MERN Stack Developers can expect good salaries and plenty of job opportunities.


MERN Stack is compatible with cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, making it easier to deploy and manage web applications.


The demand for MERN Stack Development is strong, providing numerous opportunities for people and businesses looking to build effective web applications.


MERN Stack is a web development technology that combines MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js to create high-performance web applications.

 Full Stack Campus is a Hyderabad-based institute that provides training in various web development technologies, including MERN Stack.

The MERN Stack course is a 2-month program, consisting of 90 hours of training.

 Full Stack Campus has a team of experienced trainers who are experts in their respective fields.

 The fee structure for the MERN Stack course varies based on the mode of training. Students can contact Full Stack Campus for more information.

The MERN Stack course covers topics such as MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, and RESTful APIs.

 Yes, Full Stack Campus provides a certificate upon completing the MERN Stack course.