React Training in Hyderabad


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React Training in Hyderabad

React Training in Hyderabad

Next Batch Details

Trainer NameMr. Ravi
Trainer Experience12 Years

Monday to Friday

(Morning and evening)

Next Batch Date26-02-2024 AT 07:00 AM
Training ModesClassroom & Online
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React Training in Hyderabad Course Curriculum

Module-1)  HTML 5 Introduction
● Basics of html and document structure
● Doctypes
● Basic Tags
I. html
II. head
III. body
IV. title
V. meta
VI. link
VII. script
● Html attributes

a. Paragraphs
b. Line breaks
c. Blank space
d. Pre Formatting text
e. Headings
f. Comments

a.  Element Types
i. Block Elements
ii. Inline Elements
b.  Div
c.  Span
d.  Header
e.  Footer
f.  Section
g.  Article

h.  Nav
i. Aside
4) Lists
a.  UnOrdered Lists
b.  ordered Lists
c.  Nested Lists
d.  Definition Lists
5)  Links
a.  What are links
b.  Text links
c.  Image links
d.  Opening link in new window / new tab
e.  Opening link in same same tab
f.  Links to content of same page
g.  Linking to an email
h.  Linking to a file
6)  Images
a.  Introduction to images
b.  Adding an image to web page
c.  Image alt text
d.  Image labels
7)  Tables
a.  Displaying data in table
b.  Table Header
c.  Table Body
d.  Table
e. Thread
f.  Tbody
g.  Tr
h.  Td
i.  Th

a. Introduction
b. Text Box
c. text
d. password
e. email
f. number
g. date
h. range
i. url
j. color
k. Radio Button
l. Check Boxes
m. Select Box
n. Multiple Select Box
o. Text Area
p. Submit Button
q. Reset Button

a. Web Storage
b. Local storage
c. Session storage
HTML Media
a. Introduction
b. Audio
c. Vedio
d. Accessing audio/video from external source file in webpage
HTML Graphics
a. Introduction to SVG and Canvas

1. Introduction
a. Version history
b. Css syntax
c. Styling using external style sheets
d. Styling using internal styles sheets
e. Inline Styles
f. Multiple stylesheets
2. Selectors:
a. Specificity
b. Tag selector
c. ID Selectors
d. Class Selectors
e. Grouping Selectors
f. Universal Selector
g. Descendant / Child Selectors
h. Attribute Selectors
i. CSS – Pseudo Classes
3. Text Fonts
a. color
b. background-color
c. text-decoration
d. text-align

e. vertical-align
f. text-indent
g. text-transform
h. white space
i. letter-spacing
j. word-spacing
k. line-height
l. font-family
m. font-size
n. font-style
o. font-variant
p. font-weight


a. Background Image
b. Background color
c. Background Position
d. background-repeat
a. Border width
b. Border Type
c. Border Color
d. Border radius
Box Model:
a. Margin
b. Padding
c. Width
d. Height
e. Borders

a. Static
b. Fixed
c. relative
d. Absolute
e. Z-index

a. Inline
b. Inline Block
c. block
d. Table
e. Flex
f. Grid

a. Visible
b. Hidden

a. Float
b. Clear
 Responsive Web Design:
a. Media Queries
b. Breaking Points
c. Targeting Web Page
d. Targeting PDF

a. 2D Transforms
b. 3D Transforms
c. Transitions
d. Animations

CSS ShortHand
Box shadow
 Flex Box

1. javascript introduction
2. statements
4. Variables
5. Operators
a. Arithmetic
b. Logical
c. Relational
d. Assignment
6. Data Types
a. Number
b. Boolean
c. String
d. Function
e. Array

a. if
b. ifelse
c. switch
. Iterative control structures
a. For
b. For in
c. While
d. Do While
e. For of

a. Function declaration
b. Function calling
c. Function Arguments, Parameters
d. Functional Scope
e. Returning from a function
f. closures
g. Functions as Arguments
h. Recursive functions
. Strings
a. Introduction
b. String Methods
i. Split()
ii. Trim()
iii. Charat()
iv. Length.
v. Substr()
vi. concat()

a. Introduction
b. Array Methods
i. Map
ii. Filter
iii. Find
iv. FindIndex
v. Foreach
vi. indexof
vii. includes
viii. join
ix. push
x. pop
xi. reduce
xii. slice
xiii. reverse
xiv. & More
c. Iterating an Array
d. Sorting an Array
. Dates
a. Date FOrmats
b. Date get methods
c. Date set methods

a. Math
b. Console

a. Introduction
b. Creating objects
c. Object properties
d. Object methods
e. Prototype of an object
f. cloning an object
g. Joining Multiple objects
. DOM – Document Object Model
a. Document Object
b. Accessing an element
c. Create Element
d. Setting an attribute
e. Append Childs
f. Removing an element
g. Creating Text notes
h. Adding or removing Events
16. Variable Hoisting
a. Introduction
b. Functional scope
c. Block scope

a. Introduction
b. Examples of events
i. click
ii. mousemove
iii. doubleclick
iv. blur
v. focus

vi. load
vii. hover
viii. & More.
c. Event Handlers
i. Adding
ii. Removing
d. Event bubbling
e. Event propagation
f. preventing events from default behaviour

1. Variable declaration using Let & const
2. Arrow Functions
3. Classes
4. Maps
5. Sets
6. Modules
7. Rest or spread operator
8. Array destructuring
9. Object destructing
10. Default parameters
11. Promises
12. Async – Await

⮚ React Introduction
⮚ React Installation
⮚ create-react-app
⮚ React Features
⮚ Pros & Cons
⮚ React JS vs AngularJS
⮚ React Components
⮚ React State
⮚ React Props
⮚ React Props Validation
⮚ React State vs Props
⮚ React Constructor
⮚ React Component API & Component Life Cycle
⮚ Controlled vs Uncontrolled
⮚ React Events
⮚ Conditional Rendering
⮚ React Data Binding(Lists, Dropdowns, AG Grid)
⮚ React Keys & React Refs
⮚ React Fragments
⮚ React Router
⮚ React Map
⮚ Higher-Order Components
⮚ Error Boundaries
⮚ React Context
⮚ React Hooks
⮚ Json Forms
⮚ Pure components
⮚ Form validations

React Training In Hyderabad

Key Points

Comprehensive Curriculum

The React training in Hyderabad provided by Full Stack Campus Institute offers a thorough curriculum, ensuring participants acquire a robust understanding of React and its ecosystem.

Hands-On Projects

The training program prioritizes practical learning through hands-on projects, enabling participants to translate theoretical concepts into real-world scenarios.

Experienced Instructors

Participants receive valuable guidance and support from experienced instructors throughout the training, guaranteeing a high-quality learning experience.

Interactive Learning Environment

The training cultivates an interactive learning atmosphere, promoting participant engagement through discussions, group activities, and collaborative projects.

Latest React Versions

Participants learn to work with the latest versions of React JS, staying updated with the newest features, best practices, and advancements in the framework.

Practical Tips and Tricks

The training incorporates practical tips and techniques for efficient React development, improving participants’ capacity to write clean, maintainable code.

Code Reviews and Feedback

Regular code reviews and constructive feedback are essential elements of the training, aiding participants in enhancing their coding skills and adhering to industry standards.

Job Placement Assistance

Full Stack campus Institute provides job placement assistance, connecting participants with potential employers and helping them transition into React development roles after completing the training.

Flexible Learning Schedule

Full Stack Campus Institute acknowledges the diverse needs of participants and provides a flexible learning schedule, catering to both full-time professionals and students.

What is React JS?


Objectives of the Course

Prerequisites of React Developer

Who should learn?

React Training in Hyderabad

Course Outline

Start with an introduction to React, covering the fundamentals of JSX syntax and grasping how React components render in the browser.

Delve into React components, gaining insight into props, state, and lifecycle methods to construct dynamic and interactive user interfaces..

Delve into the basics of React Router to implement navigation and create a smooth user experience in single-page applications..

The time needed to fully grasp React varies based on prior experience, dedication, and the desired level of understanding. Beginners may require weeks to months.

Delve into form handling and validation in React, gaining practical skills in building controlled components and handling user input.

Master asynchronous programming in React, using Axios or Fetch to make API calls and managing data retrieval in applications.

Integrate stateful management with Redux, learning to create actions, reducers, and connect components for centralized state control.

The syntactic extension JSX (JavaScript XML) is used in React to specify the structure of UI components. It enables developers to write HTML-like code within JavaScript, making it easier to build and visualize UI elements.

React Training in Hyderabad

Modes of Training

Classroom Training

Self-Paced Videos

Corporate Training

React Training in Hyderabad

Career Opportunities


Frontend Developer

React developers often take on the role of frontend developers, responsible for building and maintaining the user interface of web applications.


React Developer

A specialized role concentrating solely on React development, involving the creation of reusable components, managing state, and handling the user interface logic.


UI/UX Developer

React developers contribute to crafting a seamless and visually captivating user experience by implementing responsive and dynamic interfaces through React components.


Web Application Developer

React is frequently employed in modern web application development, and React developers play a pivotal role in designing and executing the frontend architecture.


JavaScript Developer

React is a JavaScript library, and React developers frequently operate as JavaScript developers, leveraging their proficiency in both vanilla JavaScript and React.


Full Stack Developer

React developers possessing supplementary skills in backend technologies can assume the role of a full-stack developer, contributing to both frontend and backend development tasks.

Skills Developed Post React Training


Capability to integrate back-end APIs and other functionalities into React JS utilizing various technologies and tools.


Comprehension of React JS’s component-based architecture, Virtual DOM, and other fundamental concepts vital for web application development.


Familiarity with integrating external libraries and APIs with React.


Proficiency in utilizing React Router for navigation and routing within applications.


Ability to perform optimization and performance tuning in React applications.


React is primarily employed to construct user interfaces on the front end, concentrating on the presentation layer of an application, thereby enabling developers to craft interactive and dynamic user interfaces.


react certificate

React Training in Hyderabad

Students Testimonials

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I had an excellent learning experience with React JS at Full Stack Campus. The trainers were knowledgeable and patient, providing hands-on training with real-world exercises that significantly improved my coding skills. I am grateful for the knowledge I gained and the confidence I developed in working with React JS, all thanks to Full Stack Masters.
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I participated in the React JS training at Full Stack Campus, and it proved to be an excellent investment in my career. I was impressed by the comprehensive course syllabus, and the trainers were instrumental in helping me grasp the concepts thoroughly. Thanks to the excellent training provided by the institute, I secured a position at a top software firm.
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Although I had minimal experience with web development, the training provided by Full Stack Campus enabled me to acquire a comprehensive understanding of React JS. The instructors were incredibly supportive, addressing every doubt with explanations that clarified everything.
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Despite having limited experience in web development, the training offered by Full Stack Campus empowered me to develop a thorough understanding of React JS. The instructors provided exceptional support, addressing every doubt with explanations that elucidated every aspect clearly.
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Full Stack Campus is an outstanding training institute. The trainers possess a comprehensive understanding of the framework and consistently bring practicality to the learning process. The assignments and projects offered were instrumental in reinforcing my understanding of the technology, and I am grateful for these valuable opportunities.
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While looking for a React training institute, I discovered that Full Stack Campus was the best choice. The trainers were outstanding, the learning environment was great, and they consistently supported and encouraged me. My experience at Full Stack Campus has been fantastic.

Companies that Hire

React Training in Hyderabad

Benefits of the Course

Career Opportunities

 React training in Hyderabad opens up diverse career opportunities in web development, as React is widely used by companies for building modern and responsive user interfaces.

In-Demand Skill

Acquiring proficiency in React enhances your skill set with a highly sought-after technology, thereby augmenting your competitiveness in the job market and boosting your employability.

Scalable Development

Develop the capability to build scalable and efficient web applications utilizing React’s component-based architecture, thereby enhancing your ability to tackle complex projects effectively.

Industry Relevance

Training in React ensures that you remain current with the latest trends and practices in frontend development, as React is a popular choice in the industry.


Training in React equips you with the skills to work on cross-platform applications, as React can be used for both web and mobile app development. This broadens your scope of projects and enhances your versatility as a developer.

Community Support

Engaging with the React developer community offers access to invaluable resources, support, and ongoing learning opportunities, which contribute to professional growth and networking.

React Training In Hyderabad

Market Trend


React is currently one of the most sought-after front-end frameworks in the industry.


React is utilized by numerous major companies such as Facebook, Netflix, and Airbnb, which significantly boosts its popularity and career opportunities.


The demand for React Native, a framework for mobile app development, is increasing, leading to a growing job market in this field.


Numerous companies are transitioning to a modern, reactive approach to web development, incorporating technologies such as React, Redux, and GraphQL.


Start by mastering the basics of components, JSX, and state management. Then, progress to understanding routing, state management using hooks, making API calls, and implementing testing methodologies.


React’s popularity has spurred the development of numerous open-source plugins and libraries, simplifying the process for developers to create custom and intricate applications.


As more companies adopt React or transition their existing applications to React, the demand for React professionals is anticipated to rise in the forthcoming years.


As the React ecosystem continues to expand and gain popularity, the job market for React developers is projected to remain robust in the foreseeable future.


 The React training program offered by Full Stack Campus is typically a 2-3 month course, depending on the specific program you choose.

While prior programming experience is not mandatory, having a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will be beneficial for learning React.

Yes, Full Stack Masters offers flexible timing options for their React training program, including weekend batches and evening classes for working professionals.

The React training program covers topics like React basics, components, state management, routing, form handling, and integration with external APIs.

Yes, upon successful completion of the React training program, Full Stack Masters provides participants with a certificate of completion.

Yes, Full Stack Campus provides job placement assistance and support to participants upon successful completion of the React training program.

 Yes, Full Stack Campus has a team of experienced trainers who are industry professionals with in-depth knowledge of React and its applications.

The class size of the React training program may vary depending on the specific batch and schedule, but typically ranges from 10-15 participants.

Yes, Full Stack Campus provides opportunities for participants to work on real-world projects during the React training program, which will help in practical application of the concepts learned.